How To Tuck

Tucking is a way to flatten the pelvic area and to reduce the protrusion of genitals. There are a few ways to tuck, and we've got a handy how-to guide just for you!
While we understand that using specific names to refer to genitals can be uncomfortable, we are using general terminology (e.g penis, testicles) to ensure accuracy in describing the best way to use a gaff.
What is a gaff?
A gaff is a piece of material shaped like underwear, a g-string, or a combination of the two. Tucking shouldn't be painful, and using a purpose made gaff eliminates areas of discomfort found when using homemade items (such as pantyhose) or layering several pairs of underwear.
Specialist tucking tape can also be used, however please stay away from duct tape or scotch tape - you will need to use tape with a little stretch and give to not injure a very sensitive area. Physio and strapping tape can be used and are also disposable which helps with hygiene.
Who uses a tucking gaff?
- Transgender women
- Agender people
- Nonbinary people
- Transfeminine people
- Gender nonconforming/genderqueer people
Tucking is also used by people for drag - there's a tonne of reasons why someone might want to tuck.
How to tuck
- Make sure your gaff has been pre-washed to remove any manufacturing residue, and that your down-belows are clean and dry. Sometimes a thin pantyliner or pad can work well to make things more comfortable and to wick away sweat during the hotter months.
- Bring the gaff up to just above your knees ready to put on once everything is secure. This is a good time to put in a pantyliner if you're choosing to use one.
- Bring the penis in between the testicles and tuck in between the scrotum. Use the skin of the scrotum to surround the penis.
- Push the contained area up into the cavity of the testicles, or up between your bum cheeks if this is not possible or comfortable.
- Pull up your gaff and keep a hold of everything until your gaff is in place. Let go and arrange the gaff so it is in the most comfortable position.
Repeat stages 3-5 if you are feeling discomfort or pain - this can take a while to get used to!
How to care for your gaff
Wash your gaff in cold water - we recommend using a sensitive detergent to ensure maximum comfort when wearing your gaff. Please don't put your gaff in the dryer, and hang it out to air (or pop it in the hot water cupboard if you live in New Zealand's excellent cold damp housing).
We hope this helps! Let us know how you wear your gaff or if you have any tips and tricks for other babes in the community.
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