More Cool Hot Queers To Follow Right Now

Theo Germaine (@theogermaine)
You might recognise Theo (They/Them & He/Him) from their roles in The Politician and Work In Progress. Theo is an incredible performer and works tirelessly for the queer community. Based in Chicago, you'll regret not binge watching every season of WIP!
Tom Notton (@soyboytom)
Tom (He/Him) is a bisexual, vegan, Libra, whose main focus is to stand up for causes and social issues by using using slang/casual language to aid in the exposure in mainstream culture. He aims create a good balance of “casual activism” by shoving his art and my personality in people’s faces, including working with different charities and organisations. If you're lucky you might occasionally get a squiz of what he's up to in the community as well!
Chess Needham (@chessieneedham)
Chess (He/Him) is one half of the rad stationery brand Ash & Chess (available in store now!) Chess has taken us on a cool af journey through his transition and the development of his trans art and activism.
Yasmeen (@realifeamazon)
Yasmeen (She/Her) is a TikTok sensation. She bucks gender norms and shows that there's definitely more than one way to be a queer woman.
Monty Montgomery (@mx.montymontgomery)
There aren't enough nice words to describe our lovely Monty (They/Them)! From their tireless work in the drag community, working with Deep Space to make sure people are staying safe at festivals, and being an incredibly talented performer, they're an all round divine human.
Hazel Xu (@hazelpaints)
Hazel (They/Them) is "an immigrant queer witch in Aotearoa" who creates the most incredible art. Their Instagram is a dazzling expression of rad queer art - and if you're not already following them you need to get in quick!
Daemonum X (@daemonumx)
Daemonum X (She/Her) is a BDSM educator who has a super informative, interesting, and down to earth newsletter delving into representation, ethics, and history of BDSM in the queer community. We highly recommend!
Charlie Craggs (@charlie_craggs)
Charlie (She/Her) is a powerhouse! She runs Nail Transphobia, a travelling nail salon that opens discussions on transphobia in mainstream society; she's an ambassador for the London Trans Clinic; an author, activist, and speaker! What can't she do... We stock Charlie's book To My Trans Sisters - find it online now.
Ezra Michel (@ezramichelmusic)
Ezra (He/Him) is the femme bisexual trans guy of our dreams. He sings, he Toks (I'm a millennial don't @ me), and and creates activism media that is palatable yet confronting. Ezra is the ally we all wish we had in our lives.
Sky (@femmmeow)
Sky (She/They) is a bi+demisexual artist and psychology student who creates the BEST queer vintage pulp art. They are vocal about biphobia in the queer community, and work tirelessly for asexual and demisexual representation, and rejecting gatekeeping among peers.
Janaye Henry (@janayeh)
Janaye (She/Her) is SO funny. Like, so funny. Her videos have us in stitches, and she tackles some gnarly topics like racist Pākeha, selfish pandemic loo paper hoarders, and fatphobia. She has a solo comedy show Literally Obsessed as part of NZ Comedy Festival from the 4th to the 8th of May in Wellington!
Mud Howard (@transsexualdreamboat)
Mud (He/Him) is a writer, activist, and total hunk. His visibility and openness create a sacred space for a discussion on trans lives, what trans masculinity means for you, and what transphobia in the queer community looks like.
Ace Lehner (@ace_lehner_projects)
Ace (They/Them) is an academic, interdisciplinary artist, and archivist of trans queer lives through visual media. An overwhelmingly talented person, they offer an insight into the quiet intimacy of being queer.
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