Gender Bender Binder Reviews!

We were fortunate enough to have some wonderful volunteers put their hands up to review some of the products we have in store. We will be collating and releasing these product by product - so stay tuned! As always we would love some more reviewers to help others in the community who aren't able to try before they buy. We value your input for products we would like to continue to stock that you enjoy!
Some takeaways from the Gender Bender Zip Front Half Binder reviews:
- Great for people with mobility issues
- Easy to get on and off
- Soft and robust (when compared with GC2B binders)
- Comfortable as an everyday binder
- Good if you find binding can be an uncomfortable process sometimes
- Breathable
- Best binder out of all the major brands tried by one of our reviewers (!)
Ross, Auckland
Gender Bender Zip Front Half BinderOne of the nicest things about transitioning has been the space to completely rethink how I deal with my breasts. As someone who's been in adult-sized bras since primary school, they've been a source of shame, irritation, back pain, dysphoria, and even occasional pride as I (and they) have grown. I must have spent thousands of dollars over the last 20 years on bras designed to hold them in, lift them up, push them out, strap them down, and contort them into whatever nonsensical shape has been decided will make me look "feminine". I've had running bras that looked like they were designed to be launched from a shipyard that still gave me terrible pain. It wasn't until I started to transition this year that I seriously entertained the notion that, hey, maybe I didn't actually need the several kilos of soft fat hanging off my front to be squidged into some approximation of pertness.
While I wait for some benevolent surgeon to remove them, binders have been the best way to deal with them. As a G-cup, I'm never going to achieve perfect flatness but then neither does Captain America. I've been using GC2B almost exclusively until Agnes and Edie offered me the opportunity to try the Gender Bender zip half binder for a review.
As with all A&E packages, the binder arrived discretely and very quickly. I'm always impressed by the care and obvious love for their products that A&E show, as the binder came wrapped in patterned tissue paper with a couple of patches thrown in.
The binder itself is incredibly comfortable to wear. The shoulder straps are narrower than a regular GC2B binder, and the fabric is softer. The construction is robust (important when you have a zip doing a lot of work!) and it feels, if anything, more like a sports bralette than a binder. As an everyday binder it's excellent, causing no discomfort over the course of a busy day. I have to do the subtle binder reshuffle a few times a day, but that's not a feature unique to this product!
Since it arrived it's been on heavy rotation and has withstood a couple of washes (and going through the tumble dryer once) with no issues apart from the printed-on label disappearing.
Thank you again to Ross and Stephen for taking the time to make such detailed and careful reviews of the Gender Bender Zip Front Binder - you're both stars.
I'm incredibly happy with this binder and will be wearing it a lot over the summer as a cooler version of my tank-length binders. I think it'll also be great for the beach, either as-is or under a rash vest. I'll definitely be buying a couple more!
Stephen, America
Gender Bender Zip Front Half Binder
The zip-up binder by Agnes & Edie is a must-have for anyone who has musculoskeletal or similar issues with their shoulders and ribs.
Stephen's full review of the Gender Bender Zip Front Half Binder can be found below, or via their youtube channel here. Make sure you like and subscribe to Stephen's channel, as he has a review of one of the STPs we stock and will be making a lot more in the future!
Thank you again to Ross and Stephen for taking the time to make such detailed and careful reviews of the Gender Bender Zip Front Binder - you're both stars.
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